Thursday, 16 February 2012

3 Chosen Images for Exhibition

James Bond on Motorbike

This was a 3D object created in 3D Studio Max. They were created as part of some objects that I created outside of the university in order to advance my skills with getting myself familiar with the 3D Studio Max software.  Both the bike and the James Bond figure were created in just over 5 weeks. I like this model as it was once of my first major modelling achievements. It also played a role in a 30 second James Bond trailer as part of an assignment.

3D Head

This 3D head was created in 3D Studio Max. It was created as a replica of me, as part of one of the module assignments. The head took just over 6 weeks to create and was one of my favourite modelling achievements using 3D Studio Max. I like this head as it represents myself as a person, it is also a very accurate model of what I really look like. I was the first major project of its kind that I have ever produced to do with modelling human or animal.

 Gainsborough Railway Line

I took this image as part of an assignment in my second year of University. The image is taken about 3 miles out of Sudbury Suffolk on the Gainsborough Railway Line. The image itself it very unique and has always stood out whenever it’s been shown to people. I like this image because it represents my home town, the colours and environment are very complex even for a natural picture. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Below is a copy of my Biography that has been submitted to the website team. Here, they will upload it onto the website along with samples of my work that will be displayed at the Exhibition.

Oliver James Dolton was born in Bury St Edmunds on 11th September 1987. He spent his childhood growing up in a small town in Suffolk called Sudbury. Here, he spent all of his schooling years within this town, only 4 where spent in a school in Stoke By Nayland, known as Stoke by Nayland Middle School.

At the age of 8 his parents divorced and he spent the remainder of his childhood with his father who worked as an electrician in Bury St Edmunds, but they remained living in Sudbury.

After finishing High School at the age of almost 17, Oliver went on to study his AS levels in Science Biology at Suffolk College in Ipswich. Here, he spent 1 year studying before leaving education in 2005 for a 2 year gap.

During this gap Oliver began work in 2005 for a company called Craegmoor Healthcare with people who have learning disabilities. His role was a social support worker and assisted these people to re-enter the community. Here he gained his NVQ 2 and 3 qualifications in Health and Social Care. Oliver left home and moved to a small town called Halstead in Essex. Here, Oliver lived with friends in a shared house until eventually renting his own place in 2008.

Oliver then returned back to education in 2007 to study a HND in Business Management at the Colchester Institute in Essex. He spent 2 years at this college before leaving in June 2009.

In September 2009 Oliver began his studies in Computer Aided Visualisation at Anglia Ruskin’s University and returned home to live with my father.

Today in 2012 at the age of 24 he currently remains’ living at home with his father and is now coming to the end of his 3 year course at the University where samples of his work will be displayed in the Retro Exhibition 2012.

Week 4

15th February 2012

Today the group displayed our presentation. Unfortunately the entire class team decided that the film theme would not be chosen. This process was conducted via each individual voting on each presentation and theme. The chosen theme that received the highest number of votes was the Retro theme. I did however like this theme that felt that it would be a suitable alternative to using the film theme.

After the presentation the group met and decided to allocate a job to be finish for next week. I offered to take on the responsibility of creating and designing the exhibition week timetable. I have so far discussed with other group members in different teams what they thought would be a suitable shift pattern. For safety and many other factors such as work time and social activities that many participate in outside of the university the chosen shifts and times are as follows:

Each day will have 2 shifts

Shift 1 - 10am until 3pm (Total 5hrs)

Shift 2 - 3pm until 8pm (Total 5hrs)

Each shift will have a minimum of 4 students. The timetable will be blank and will enable students to choose their chosen shifts over the week, before the official rota is produced. Each student must pick a minimum of 2 shifts. If students wish to do extra time they may do so at their own discretion but this will not be timetabled. Students who cannot make their shifts must inform me with available cover for their shift. I have spoken to each student to make them aware of these terms. All students agreed.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Week 3

8th February 2012

After displaying our presentations to the class that were created based on our visits to the exhibitions we arranged a group meeting that would be held on Friday 10th Feb. I visited Firstsite exhibition with two other members of my group. Unfortunately they were not present today so I gave the presentation on my own.

10th February 2012

Today the group arranged to meet at 12 noon in one of the library study rooms. It was here that a suitable theme was discussed. All members of the group contributed and participated evenly. Some of examples of themes that were discussed are:




Charity Based - MS

The one that everybody agreed on after running through each of the themes pro's and con's was the 'Film' theme. This is because we felt that it had the most benefits towards our exhibition and appeared to have to most connections with each of our course, tying in well with all our work.


      Simple and easy

      Will not overwhelm the exhibition

      Props are widely available at the university

      Costs are kept to a minimum

      Adverts and Media can be incorporated into the exhibition, possible earnings of money

      Projector can easily be incorporated

      Use of Tickets to count numbers


      Covers a broad range within the film industry

      Public may not approve

      Could easily dominate the exhibition if not kept simple

      Equipment could be easily damaged

To ensure the presentation that we had to create was created evenly amongst the group members it was decided that each group member would create slides on sections of the presentation based on the chosen theme.

Group members and slides are as follows:

Myself: Theme

Helen: Hospitality

Steve: Plaques

Elliot: Layout

Tracy: Presentation Construction

Anna: Furniture and Mountings

Kat: Lighting

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

First Site Exhibition - Colchester - Steven Claydon

On Monday 6th May 2012 I visited an Exhibition held in Colchester Exhibition building called the Firstsite. The exhibition being displayed was the work of Steven Claydon. Steve Claydons work is based on representations and objects, most often through perceptive, calculated juxtapositions in a variety of media: sculpture, painting, collage and film.

Unfortunately on arrival the exhibition was closed due to maintenance by instead I looked around other parts of the building. There were a couple of minor exhibitions being displayed, 1 of the University of Essex and a couple that were part of Colchester Roman Castle. However, although these exhibitions were small they still allowed enough detail to log and use in order to develop ideas that can be used within our group exhibition. 

The pictures below are of the University of Essex Exhibition and are art pieces created using lilo and rolled ink. The pictures themselves are very interesting but the layout was more important. As you can see in the layout the colour scheme is very neutral. The walls are kept white and the outline to the picture frames are solid black. This makes the art work stand out.

By using such a simple technique in the colour scheme it has allowed visitors to identify the work much more easily. All of the portraits of work have been kept to a selected size. There are however some different sizes but non stand out too large or too small.
The text at the bottom of each picture’s is simple and does not require the read to do extensive reading. It’s kept simple and easy to read. All of the text is printed on the walls to keep the room clear.

This piece is centred within the hallway and clearly allows viewers to view the artwork. It’s light up underneath so not external lighting is necessary.

In this picture the flooring is made of glass with seating around the edge to allow people to rest and sit while looking at the roman floor below the glass. Once again simplicity has been used and it allows the art work below the glass to stand out. This seating area is necessary, as the exhibition doesnt hold alot for visits to spectate at, it gives people the chance to sit down. An invite to hold people in the building for longer. Also while sitting down visitors have an beautiful eye catching art piece built into the floor.

There are other bits of art work dotted around the building and they all incorporate the same simplicity in the layout. This can be used within out exhibition theme, keep things very simple, neutral colours and easy to read on wall printing to keep the floor and areas clear and free from objects.

This piece of art was very bland and a good example of how to waste space. There was no indication what this piece of art work does nor any detailing about the creator themselves. From a visitors view this space could have been used for a much better purpose. It displays poor arrangement within the building.

Another example of art work left with not detailing, it does not inspire a visitor to admire this creators art work. However, a very good use of a complex background to make the artwork stand out.

Here in this image below some of the exhibition art work is left to stand outside of the crates that they arrived in. This in right in the main lobby of the building, the entrance. It looks very untidy and messy. I understand that the building has only been opened for the public for a couple of months, however the smallest untidy examples do not give visitors a good welcome. Perhaps we can use this fault to ensure that we do not make the same mistake in our exhibition.

Graphic Design has been kept very simple in these exhibitions as well as he dress code that the staff use. All of the staff were dressed in plain black which I felt was a bit too bland and simple.

Lighting in this building is mainly directed from the ceiling. This maybe because the ceiling in the building as excessively high so the use of ceiling lighting keeps the floor area clear but does not do the art work any benefit. The art work required individual lighting this is becuase individual lighting will allow the work to be light up and express the work as individual artists and creators.
The only advertising of this exhibition was via the internet on their own website. It may have been advertised in local shops and local paper but this cannot be confirmed.  When searching for the Exhibition through google I could only find the website by going through an external website that advertised the Opening of the new building. From this there was then a link to the website which was easy to view and read with easy links to present and up coming exhibitions.

The building itself has only just been built, a new 2011 complex but the exhibition inside doesn’t show strong financial background. Things are keep simple but they work well. Money has been spent very wisely in this exhibition. Having a building that was purposely built for exhibition purpose is easy to hold exhibitions in, budgets are large but may not appear to be well spent. It may appear difficult to hold an exhibition in the facilities we have been provided but if the group budegts correctly the exhibition will prove to be successful.