Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Exhibition – Opening Day

Today was the opening of the exhibition. I arrived at the exhibition around 1pm due to work issues I had to arrive a little later than the others. On arrival I assisted with the setup, cutting out and making of displays and the exhibition as a whole. I also brought in some display props such as a couple of retro games but there wasnt enough room to put these out. I will leave them in the Exhibition area for the duration of the week.  

Unfortunately on the night I didn’t have my proper business cards due to the Digital print service being unable to print them and the local Staples. However, I did manage to create some colour paper ones at the University Library. (Tuesday) The business cards have now been printed and are on display along with my board ready for the rest of the week.

On the evening I assisted with the exhibition and prompted my board, talking to viewers and explaining my work in more detail. A few businesses cards were handed out but there wasn’t a great deal of people there, a little less than expected. The exhibition was a success and I felt that everything had turned out the exact way that the group had planned for it in terms of food, display and graphics.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Portfolio Design

I decided that I wanted to create a portfolio that would be creative, different from the usual portfolio that is often taken to an office interview.

At the very first stages of development I decided to create my portfolio as a folder filled with imagery of work that I had produced. This idea turned out to be very presentable but not for the line of work that I was wishing to enter into.

After receiving some vital feedback on the design of the portfolio I have drafted up a more creative portfolio design.

I have designed this so that it is suitable for an A4 design and is compact, holding up to 8 of my images in a single A4 flat design. It will also provide flexibility so that it can be used in graphic design interviews and also interviews that would may be for web design or animation creation.

This design allows my logo to be presented with the abilities that I’m skilled in, held around the edges of the portfolio. If an employee wishes to view a particular piece of work they can do so by pulling out the piece (what will be card) to view an image of my work and also some details regarding that piece, such as how and what it was designed on.

 Images can be placed on both sides of 1 piece of card, allowing up to 8 images to be used in this portfolio.
I like this design as I feel that it is flexible and displays a level of creativeness, easy to carry and compact.

After having begun to cut the card that I had purchased to build the Portfolio I soon found that it was becoming increasingly difficult to shape the card in order to create the design that I wanted. It would have also been difficult to print onto the card so it was time to return to the drawing board and begin to create another design.

I wanted to create a design that would meet the requirements of the specified A4 size so I decided to create a Portfolio format that would still look compact but display my imagery and information without the need to remove sectors of it.

I soon came up with the design of creating something similar to a picture frame, so I used the card that I still had and decided to begin to cut it up. I wanted a full A4 size on the front displaying most of my important images and work. On the back I would then have another couple of images that I could use to expand on my work if the front became too full or overcrowded.

Once I had created the boards or the main frame of the portfolio I then sprayed them black as the card I had purchased was white. I felt that the frame being black would make the colours used in the display stand out more.

After printing out the designs that I had created on the computer I then pieced the entire Portfolio together.

Within the portfolio I have stuck to keeping the same font in the title and in the main text as my CV and Business card. It was important that I stuck to the same colours and I used a colour line technique that linked all of the images and information together. The lines also linked together the images and logo. It was important that I kept to the same theme throughout the portfolio to ensure that my personal branding remained connected and linked all together.

I feel that the layout of this Portfolio has kept to the theme of my personal branding extremely well and is a vast improvement from the original. The colours that I have used sell my work well and present the portfolio by expelling the colours and images more sharply. This design meets all of the rerquirements I wanted from the design before it.


Team Minutes

Wednesday 25th April 2012

Today the group met for the final time before the exhibition. It was decided that a camera would be arranged and booked out (Possibly a Nikon D90) and that a dress code was necessary. I gave an idea that we should perhaps dress in black trousers and a white shirt/top for the opening night with badges. This is because its clothing that everybody would have and easy to get hold of, plus it would make us appear formal and stand out from the public. The group didn’t seem too keen on the idea and decided that the idea could be discussed on facebook later on in the week.

It was decided as a group that a meeting time of 9:30am would be the time that everybody met. This is so it would give us enough time for preparation and displaying/building props and was most convenient for everybody. It also gave everybody an opportunity to arrive and participant, especially for those that would also be late.

The group mainly focused on their personal branding work, so not as much communication was used within today’s meeting. However, much of the communication will be made through facebook group chats and will update everybody who wasn’t available today.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Communication Techniques

In order for the group to function efficiently and effectively communication has played a vital part. It has enabled the group on a daily basis to transfer information to one another when outside of university. It has maintained a concrete structure for the group and has enabled us to develop, plan and arrange the exhibition.

When outside of university 95% of the communication has been made through facebook. There are currently 2 facebook group contact blogs. Myself and up to 90% of the group have used facebook as a daily source of information and contacting group individuals. The other 5% of communication has been made through mobile via voice calls and texts. I currently have and regularly maintain communication updates with everybody in the exhibition group via mobile phone devices, although much of the communication is still made through facebook.

Facebook links can be found here:

Main contact facebook blog:


Exhibition Blog 2:


Monday, 16 April 2012

Minutes Update - Mid April

So far the group has managed to display posters around the university. Some of these posters have been given to some students such as myself to display in external locations outside of the university.

Due to the delay in the process of creating the groups invites I have so far used verbal communication and computerised written ‘Welcome’ cards to invite a number of individuals to the Exhibition. So far the numbers appear to be very promising.

It can now be confirmed that the Exhibition appears to be on schedule. During this week, myself and 3 others from the Exhibition group researched into the availability of cardboard boxes. These cardboard boxes can then be used to create the giant Rubik’s cube that is currently in the process of being designed. One member from the graphics team has so far purchased the card that will be used to create the colours on the large Rubik’s cube while, myself and another 2 members will assist in the painting of the boxes to turn them into a base black colour.

*Boxes have now been purchased and confirmation today can confirm there delivery to the team leader.

*The banner for the exhibition has now been designed by the graphics team and will be sent to the prints as well as the design for our exhibition boards by the end of next week.

Expected delivery date for the boards and banner are yet to be confirmed.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Poster Placements in local Village

I was provided with the file to enable me to print some of the posters at my local printing office. I then used these posters to place them within my place of work to encourage people to acknowledge the exhibition and perhaps come and attend on the opening night. I have also placed one in my local village notice board after gaining permission from my local parish council through contact in email.

I have attempted to place more posters in nearby villages but it has been difficult to obtain permission in all of them. However I have placed a poster in another 2 villages 3 miles from me after gaining permission from the local ground keepers.

These posters may not do a lot in their current locations but if it increases numbers by 2-3 then it’s made a difference.  

Location Example:



Monday, 2 April 2012

Website Portfolio

I have designed the layout of my portfolio website to match a similar style that reflects the style used within my CV and business card.
The website itself is laid out in a very standard format. At the top are the main 4 page links that will direct a viewer to any of the main sectors within my website. I have used this particular layout as other formats are difficult to achieve. My coding abilties are only limited to HTML and javascript with elements of PHP used for transferring information on the contacts page to a mail box.
Home – This page contains all the information such as my qualifications, course studies, technical abilities, work abilities and a brief on the history of my background. At the bottom of the page are links that can direct a viewer to my facebook page, flickr and twitter should they wish to contact me or obtain more information. This page also details that the services I can offer. If details my abilites in certain elements of employement. These are as follows:

Technical Skills

  • Create and Render 3D Objects and Designs
  • Produce 3D Animations
  • Develop Graphic Designs
  • Microsoft Windows Maintenance
  • Hardware and Software Configurations
  • IT Skills in Windows and Networking
  • Web Design
  • XHTML and PHP
  • Photography Shooting and Editing

  • Software Skills

  • Autodesk 3d Studio Max
  • Photoshop CS4
  • Illustrator CS4
  • IN design CS4
  • Premiere Pro CS4
  • Flash CS4
  • Dreamweaver CS4 (XHTML - PHP)
  • Windows XP - 7

  • Work Abilities

  • Excellent Team Player
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Abilities to Work on own Initiative
  • Develop, Adapt and Learn New Skills fast
  • Motivate Others
  • Work under Pressure
  • Excellent Punctuality

  • Qualifications

  • BSc (Hons) Multimedia, Animation and Web Design
  • HND Level 5 Business and Management
  • NVQ 3 - Health and Social Care
  • 11 GCSE’S (8 Grades *A-C)              
  • Learning Disabilities Awards Framework Level 2
  • Adult English Literacy Level 2 

  • On opening this page, there is at the top a roundabout gallery viewer of some of the best parts of my work. This is a selling point when a potential employer visits my site and is immediately introduced by my work.

    Gallery – This page is the main page that details images of my work so that a potential employer can view the standard of my work and to obtain knowledge at the level I will be working at. Each of the images is detailed with the title and a brief description of the work, noting what it is, why it was produced and how.  All the images open into a letterbox format for larger images and better viewing.

    There is also a link at the bottom of the page that will direct the viewer to another page so that I can expand my work should I wish to add more to the website.

    The link transfers the user to this page:

    The page is basic and may be enhanced later on. However it allows the user to view an acknowledge extra sectors of my portfolio work.

    About Me – This page contains all the information about me, my history, where I studied, what I studied in and my experiences that I have, including details of the work I have previously undertaken. This includes my personal interests and development. There are links on this page that will allow the viewer to obtain more information through contacting me on facebook.

    Contacts – On this page the viewer can obtain a copy of my digital CV and business card via a download direct from the website. These downloads are in PDF format only. There is also a contact submission form that any viewer can fill out and send me a message in the form of an email. Javascript and PHP coding runs in this page to ensure that the contacts form is filled out correctly and mistakes are identified. Should a viewer wish to not use the submission form, my email address is available on this page so that they can contact me direct via Enquires@oliverdolton.com. No other contact information is available unless they download my CV or contact me through flickr or facebook.

    I have designed the website in this format as it keeps the navigation of the website very simple. It’s easy to read, easy to navigate and the top page bar is always available on every page. There are easy ways to contact me and to view any of my work. The layout and structure of the website details my abilities in html coding and I have kept the website format in html form so that employers can view my coding abilities through the ‘view-source’ method, available on all internet browsers.

    This website is currently live and can be accessed at: WWW.OLIVERDOLTON.COM

    Wednesday, 21 March 2012

    Team Minutes 21st March 2012

    Today the team grouped together in order to arrange what would be completed over the coming 3 weeks. As we wouldn’t be meeting at the university it was essential that everything that required be making or purchasing should be done over the 3 week break period.
    We also arranged what time the opening event would start and what time it would finish. This would allow us to send out our private invites to individuals with a time allocated on them of when to arrive.

    On the opening night the group has decided that the Exhibition will begin at 4pm. This will allow us to prepare the exhibition during the day and allow for any delays that may occur. The Exhibition will end at 8pm. This has been decided because many of the guests on the open night will possibly be parents or relations to the students holding the Exhibition and who has work there. After office hours will allow for people to view the exhibition while not at work and if businesses are to come and see, then it maybe more practical for them to also arrive after office hours.

    I has been decided that myself and Steven from the group will prepare the rubrics cube for the exhibition. This will be made from cardboard and spray painting.

    The invites will be issued to all members of the exhibition team for us to deliver invites personally to those we want to invite. This is because the workload would appear too much for an individual to do. However, Kat from our exhibition team had been delegated the task to invite the business companies.

    Tuesday, 20 March 2012

    Poster Price Research

    As it appears so far nobody from the group has taken any quotes from the Anglia Ruskin’s Digital Services.
    So far, some of the group members have been given quotes from A2 prints on exhibition boards for around £25 which is very expensive. I have already seen a sample from these boards and they appear to be of great quality.

    I went over to the Digital Services in order to enquire about prices and what they would be able to print onto for our exhibition to see if they could offer a similar print. They informed me that they would be unable to print on A2 boards.  However, they can offer a service where they can print onto A2 poster paper. This paper is thick plastic like paper, the same as professional poster paper for only £10. A huge saving to the previously quotes price. I feel that this would be just as good as the boards previously quoted for as we will be pinning the boards onto exhibition boards supplied by the University anyway.

    I decided to upload this information onto facebook to find out what response I got from the other members in the entire group. It appears that some are for it and unfortunately some would rather have the thicker boards. I feel that for a saving of £15, that it’s definitely worth it, that’s over £200 saving on the entire class which could go towards food supplies. I feel that the group will be using the more expensive boards but it was worth the research and notifying the others on the cheaper option.
    Anglia Ruskin’s Digital Services Price:

    Anglia Ruskin’s Digital Services Poster Example:

    Thursday, 15 March 2012

    Team Minutes: 15th March 2012

    Today the layout was drafted up. The draft was a 1:50 scale drawing of the floor structure and layout of the Exhibition area. The model cut outs of the tables, chairs, sofa’s and other furniture already present at the local, these were too scale, created by the measurements that I took the previous week on all of the furniture. By using this cut out we could arrange how the furniture could be placed on the floor and where it should be located to best suit the environment. We also had cut out of the boards, these were also cut out to a 1:50 scales and these could be moved into a location that we felt was most appropriate.
    The facts that were taken into consideration when arranging the furniture were:

    How would people view our exhibition?
    Where would we guide people to walk to?
    Where would the project be located, would it be in the darkest area to avoid too much light?
    Where would our boards and work presentations be viewed by the public the most?
    Can all our work been seen by everybody?
    Does the location of the furniture comply with health and safety?
    Where are the electrical power supplies?
    Where is best to serve refreshments?
    Will the layout look suitable?
    Would the layout of the boards be suitable and blend in with our theme and graphic layouts?

    All these facts were taken into consideration by all the group members and it was decided after several repositioning’s of all of the equipment that it should be laid out like the image below:

    Curriculum Vitae Design and Development

    The CV has incorporated my theme that I have been using throughout both my Business Card and my website. The theme itself and the design techniques that I have used are both detailed in the creation of the Business Card as this was the first of the 3 to be created.
    The Theme:

    The CV is mainly based on a standard ink document. I have stuck to using a standard layout of a traditional document for the CV as it enables the CV to be read much more easily. The CV has been broken into standard categories such as my personal contact details at the top and working down towards the bottom of the page:

    Personal Profile

    Work Experience



    Personal Interests

    Voluntary Work

    I felt that it was important to include my voluntary work experience as I feel that it shows that I’m committed to working and helping others outside of paid work. A willingness to help those less fortunately than myself. I feel that an employer would also take this into consideration as to my personal skills as well as my work experience skills.

    To section off each of the categories I have used a symbol that represents my own logo, an ink splatter. This ink splatter is slightly different from that used in the logo however I feel that it works well with breaking down the CV categories. To make the ink splatters blend in with the rest of the document I have also included some large ink splatters in open areas of the CV, this enables the small ink splatters used to break the sectors down, blend in much more easily.

    I have also kept to using the Lucida Handwriting font type as I feel that this works extremely well with the headings. The text on the document is a standard calibri (body) font.

    At the top of the CV where it is most likely to draw in a potential employer’s interest I have incorporated my logo along with my full name, the business field that I have experience in and one of the most important elements, my website. This will enable any viewer of my CV to view my work.
    Image of top of cv here

    The main reason I have chosen to create my CV in the layout that it is in is mainly because I have tried to keep the document layout in a standard format so that it can be easily read. This has meant sticking to my theme with the black and white ink format. I have also cleaned the CV up from the draft version that I had produced as the original graphic CV was too busy and had too much going on which would have distracted the reader and most likely put them off reading it.

    The Original Graphic CV Design:
    This CV has too many complex colours inlcuding the green which is too light and would perhaps not be visible by those that perhaps could not view colours The CV is too busy and the layout along with the font colour and format does not match any of my theme. I feel that creating this CV was a good learning curve and has enabled me to develop a better cv from identifing my mistakes in this version.

    I feel that the CV that I have designed and created now is much more appropriate for the job roles that I will be applying too and I feel that it will give me more of an opportunity at getting to an interview stage that the old original version. It also works well with my business card and website and displays a clear connection between the three.

    The Previous Graphic CV Design:
    I have made some necessary adjustments to the final design of the CV, this is due to factors that have been identified within the document that have caused it to become un-balanced.
    There has been a number of changes within the document and these major changes can be identified through the red circles that are seen below.

    1.       The first change was to adjust the positioning of my name along with the logo. I have now centred this into the centre of the document and moved the contact details to the right hand side of the logo and name. This had made the document become more balanced.
    2.       The second major change is the change in the positioning of the centre mainline text. As it appeared first, it was over to the right hand side too far and has now be adjusted to appear more central.
    3.       The third major change is the font style. I created a PDF version of the previous CV and asked a number of people to view the text. The feedback identified that the text could not be fully 100% readable due to the font style that it was in. I have not changed the font style to Sylfaen.
    4.       Positioning of the bottom of the page from the bottom of the text line has been corrected as it appeared too close.
    5.       Wording has also been adjusted for more suitability for a Graphic / Web Design job post
    I feel that the CV design layout is much more acceptable and has currently been in use to distribute CV’s to potential employers when rendered into a PDF format.
    Final render of the Digital Graphic CV can be seen below:

    Wednesday, 14 March 2012

    Business Card Design

    For the development of my Business card I wanted to create a card that would hold all my contact details and relevant information so that a potential  employee could contact me and access data with regards to a CV, work experience and existing models and designs. I understand that it wasn’t a requirement of the module to develop a website but by creating a website that was aimed as an add-on for my CV and Business Card, it has enabled me to create a theme that can be used throughout my portfolio. It has also boosted my skills and confidence is creating a portfolio that I could potentially use to aid me to getting a job on successful completion of my degree.

    The Business Card is based mainly on a theme that is constructed with my logo and a 3D image that consists of my black, white and green colours. The 3D image is a representation of my 3D animation and modelling capabilities as well as the colour theme. This has been incorporated into the theme and design of the business card. It is also the theme of my website.

    Once the theme had been established after several hours of testing with different types of symbols and imagery for a theme, I stuck to the image that is incorporated into the business card now as I felt that it works particularly well with my colour theme of black, white and green. The green colours are not to strong and remain clearly visible. There are elements of white within this 3D image theme but I feel that they work well as the backgrounds on both the CV and Business card are white. The two green bars used within the business card form a structure support to the card itself and the text enclosed between them.  

    The main objective of this business card is to sell myself to a potential employer with the skills that I feel are my strongest. I had given myself a title on the business card that I feel strongly advertises myself and my strongest skills (3D Animator and IT Graphic Designer). This is the title of the business card as it is the most important element of the card and will be the selling point of myself and my skills.

    The second element of importance on this business card is my name and design logo.  I have incorporated my design logo into my name so that it blends in well together with the business card. I have attempted to keep everything in a centre margin on the business card so as to maintain a balance. I have reduced alot of the content that was originally on the business card layout to simplify it.

    All the text used on this Business Card remains in black. This is because I feel that with the 3D theme fits in well with my black, white and green colour theme and also keeps the business card clean, tidy and clearly visible to read the information.

    On the back of the business card I have used the same design and layout as on the front, keeping everything in the centre and the same template. On the back I have included my contact details. I felt that these appeared too crowded on the front and it was essential that I had use of the space on the rear.

    Personal Logo Design

    The first stage of developing my personal logo was to start with a digital mood board. This would consist of a collection of digital imagery that I could use in order to represent myself to an employee, and other people. The main task that I had in mind was to express myself as an Animator and/or Designer within the multimedia computer software industry.
    The mood board below consists of a collection of different types of images that range from design logos to personal designer logos.

    These logos and designs all have a main sector in common. They all represent drawings and design. In the first stages of designing most of it is done on paper with ink. For my personal logo and perhaps a theme that I will be using throughout my portfolio is a theme of an ink splatter. By keeping to an ink theme enables me to develop a theme that could be based on just black and white. However, when creating a mood board in order to find colour matches I particularly liked a colour mix of black for the representation of Ink and green, my favourite colour. Green is a fresh colour, representing fresh designs with a pure rich colour.

    So I have created a logo that I feel would represent me as an Animator as well as an IT Multimedia Graphics Designer using the first letter of my name within a black ink splatter. It was difficult to construct a logo that would incorporate both animation and design as they are both different methods of creation within the multimedia industry. I have then been able to incorporate the rest of my name using a Lucida Handwriting type font with ink dripping from the lettering. This will give the impression that the logo has been freshly created and has a connection or bond with designing with the aid of ink. This logo will be both incorporated into the design and structure of my CV and Business card.

    Logo Symbol

    The Logo Incorporated into my name. This will be used within my Portfolio, CV and Business Card Designs.

    Wednesday, 7 March 2012

    CV Keyword Development Ideas

    Below is a brainstorm of ideas that could be used to build my CV. There are a number of key words that I feel best describe my talents and skills that could be used within a work environment. The first sectors of the words are those that describe me, second are the adjectives that best describe that skill or talent. These words I can use within my CV to use to sell my skills to a potential employer. Some of the key words also contain a third word. This is a key word that best describes the adjective in a shape, colour and number format.

    CV Key Image Designs
    Below is an image created from shapes, numbers, symbols and colours that I feel best describe the adjectives in image form. With each of the adjectives above there is a third word to describe that adjective which represents my skills and talents, these images I feel suit adequately to these adjectives. As well as the worded descriptions these images can also be used to assist in the designing of my Graphic CV. These shapes, colours and symbols can be used to perhaps create one complex shape or key design that represents me to an employer in the industry of Graphic Design.


    Tuesday, 6 March 2012

    Exhibition Floor Plan

    Today  (1st March 2012) together with another 2 members of the Exhibition group we measured up a floor plan of the Exhibition floor. It was vital that we measured every section of the floor, this included stairway width, exit widths, height and width and length of all of the walls, sides, railings etc. It was also vital that all of the furniture that is currently located there, that cannot be moved was also measured. A documentation of all of the measurements was recorded and a detailed and accurate floor pan will be scaled and drawn up. This will allow us to create a floor plan so that we can arrange where everything will go and were our boards will also be located. It will be necessary to arrange where members of the exhibition will display their work so that on the day each of us knows exactly where to place their work. It will also help to range seating for the guests and arrangement of the Equipment.  

    Contacting Local Radio Stations

    I have so far contacted some local radio stations that are within my area as I live pretty far out in Sudbury which is located in Suffolk.

    The companies within this area that I contacted were:

    BBC Radio Suffolk - 020 7766 6000

    Capital FM - 020 7484 8958

    Heart Radio Suffolk - 01245 525 252

    BBC Radio Suffolk

    I spoke with their customer service advisor and they informed me that they would return my call with somebody who was in the advertising department for the radio broadcast department. Unfortunately I have not heard back from the company.

    Contacted on: 15th Feb 2012

    Capital FM

    I contacted this radio broadcast company and informed them of our exhibition. They said that there would be a charge in order to advertise our exhibition on the radio and that it could cost in the region of up to £100. I said that this was too expensive and that could they perhaps sponsor us and we would place their logos on our exhibition boards. They informed me that they didn’t do sponsors towards outside companies or organisations. A difficult company to co-operate with.

    Contacted on: 15th Feb 2012

    Heart Radio Suffolk

    I contacted this radio broadcast company, the result was a very simple call and they informed me that our exhibition was not within the area for notifying radio listeners of our Exhibition for free without payment. Very similar to the Capital FM as they also do not sponsor.

    Contacted on 15th Feb 2012

    Saturday, 3 March 2012

    Personal Branding Logo

    I have created a Logo for my Personal Branding, below is the image of the logo that will appear on my CV and on my Business Card.

    I chose to create my personal brand liken this because my intention once I finish my course at University is to develop a career in either Graphic Designing or 3D Animation. I wanted to keep the colours natural so I have kept to a black and white theme. This is mainly because graphic designing is digital art, the opposite of art using ink and paper. This is also the reason why I have created the ink splatter and incorporated it into the designing of my name. I have attempted to display a branding that is digital but follows a traditional theme of ink.

    Timetable FInalising

    The timetable has been finalised and changed to the original decision.

    To start I created a draft version of the timetable and placed all the names that I had collected, those students that wanted preference to the days that they were going to staff the exhibition. I handed a form round so that all students could write their shifts onto. This was a first come first serve basis.

    Due to the availability of the furniture that we are to use in the exhibition such as the display boards it has been decided that the exhibition will now only be held on Monday, the opening day until Thursday. Friday will now be the day in which the Exhibition will be dis-assembled.

    On Monday and Friday all students are to attend and are to participate in at least 1 shift during the week.

    The weekday shifts are 9am – 1:30pm and 1:30pm until 6pm.

    Below is an image of the new timetable.   

    Thursday, 16 February 2012

    3 Chosen Images for Exhibition

    James Bond on Motorbike

    This was a 3D object created in 3D Studio Max. They were created as part of some objects that I created outside of the university in order to advance my skills with getting myself familiar with the 3D Studio Max software.  Both the bike and the James Bond figure were created in just over 5 weeks. I like this model as it was once of my first major modelling achievements. It also played a role in a 30 second James Bond trailer as part of an assignment.

    3D Head

    This 3D head was created in 3D Studio Max. It was created as a replica of me, as part of one of the module assignments. The head took just over 6 weeks to create and was one of my favourite modelling achievements using 3D Studio Max. I like this head as it represents myself as a person, it is also a very accurate model of what I really look like. I was the first major project of its kind that I have ever produced to do with modelling human or animal.

     Gainsborough Railway Line

    I took this image as part of an assignment in my second year of University. The image is taken about 3 miles out of Sudbury Suffolk on the Gainsborough Railway Line. The image itself it very unique and has always stood out whenever it’s been shown to people. I like this image because it represents my home town, the colours and environment are very complex even for a natural picture. 

    Wednesday, 15 February 2012


    Below is a copy of my Biography that has been submitted to the website team. Here, they will upload it onto the website along with samples of my work that will be displayed at the Exhibition.

    Oliver James Dolton was born in Bury St Edmunds on 11th September 1987. He spent his childhood growing up in a small town in Suffolk called Sudbury. Here, he spent all of his schooling years within this town, only 4 where spent in a school in Stoke By Nayland, known as Stoke by Nayland Middle School.

    At the age of 8 his parents divorced and he spent the remainder of his childhood with his father who worked as an electrician in Bury St Edmunds, but they remained living in Sudbury.

    After finishing High School at the age of almost 17, Oliver went on to study his AS levels in Science Biology at Suffolk College in Ipswich. Here, he spent 1 year studying before leaving education in 2005 for a 2 year gap.

    During this gap Oliver began work in 2005 for a company called Craegmoor Healthcare with people who have learning disabilities. His role was a social support worker and assisted these people to re-enter the community. Here he gained his NVQ 2 and 3 qualifications in Health and Social Care. Oliver left home and moved to a small town called Halstead in Essex. Here, Oliver lived with friends in a shared house until eventually renting his own place in 2008.

    Oliver then returned back to education in 2007 to study a HND in Business Management at the Colchester Institute in Essex. He spent 2 years at this college before leaving in June 2009.

    In September 2009 Oliver began his studies in Computer Aided Visualisation at Anglia Ruskin’s University and returned home to live with my father.

    Today in 2012 at the age of 24 he currently remains’ living at home with his father and is now coming to the end of his 3 year course at the University where samples of his work will be displayed in the Retro Exhibition 2012.

    Week 4

    15th February 2012

    Today the group displayed our presentation. Unfortunately the entire class team decided that the film theme would not be chosen. This process was conducted via each individual voting on each presentation and theme. The chosen theme that received the highest number of votes was the Retro theme. I did however like this theme that felt that it would be a suitable alternative to using the film theme.

    After the presentation the group met and decided to allocate a job to be finish for next week. I offered to take on the responsibility of creating and designing the exhibition week timetable. I have so far discussed with other group members in different teams what they thought would be a suitable shift pattern. For safety and many other factors such as work time and social activities that many participate in outside of the university the chosen shifts and times are as follows:

    Each day will have 2 shifts

    Shift 1 - 10am until 3pm (Total 5hrs)

    Shift 2 - 3pm until 8pm (Total 5hrs)

    Each shift will have a minimum of 4 students. The timetable will be blank and will enable students to choose their chosen shifts over the week, before the official rota is produced. Each student must pick a minimum of 2 shifts. If students wish to do extra time they may do so at their own discretion but this will not be timetabled. Students who cannot make their shifts must inform me with available cover for their shift. I have spoken to each student to make them aware of these terms. All students agreed.

    Sunday, 12 February 2012

    Week 3

    8th February 2012

    After displaying our presentations to the class that were created based on our visits to the exhibitions we arranged a group meeting that would be held on Friday 10th Feb. I visited Firstsite exhibition with two other members of my group. Unfortunately they were not present today so I gave the presentation on my own.

    10th February 2012

    Today the group arranged to meet at 12 noon in one of the library study rooms. It was here that a suitable theme was discussed. All members of the group contributed and participated evenly. Some of examples of themes that were discussed are:




    Charity Based - MS

    The one that everybody agreed on after running through each of the themes pro's and con's was the 'Film' theme. This is because we felt that it had the most benefits towards our exhibition and appeared to have to most connections with each of our course, tying in well with all our work.


          Simple and easy

          Will not overwhelm the exhibition

          Props are widely available at the university

          Costs are kept to a minimum

          Adverts and Media can be incorporated into the exhibition, possible earnings of money

          Projector can easily be incorporated

          Use of Tickets to count numbers


          Covers a broad range within the film industry

          Public may not approve

          Could easily dominate the exhibition if not kept simple

          Equipment could be easily damaged

    To ensure the presentation that we had to create was created evenly amongst the group members it was decided that each group member would create slides on sections of the presentation based on the chosen theme.

    Group members and slides are as follows:

    Myself: Theme

    Helen: Hospitality

    Steve: Plaques

    Elliot: Layout

    Tracy: Presentation Construction

    Anna: Furniture and Mountings

    Kat: Lighting