Wednesday, 7 March 2012

CV Keyword Development Ideas

Below is a brainstorm of ideas that could be used to build my CV. There are a number of key words that I feel best describe my talents and skills that could be used within a work environment. The first sectors of the words are those that describe me, second are the adjectives that best describe that skill or talent. These words I can use within my CV to use to sell my skills to a potential employer. Some of the key words also contain a third word. This is a key word that best describes the adjective in a shape, colour and number format.

CV Key Image Designs
Below is an image created from shapes, numbers, symbols and colours that I feel best describe the adjectives in image form. With each of the adjectives above there is a third word to describe that adjective which represents my skills and talents, these images I feel suit adequately to these adjectives. As well as the worded descriptions these images can also be used to assist in the designing of my Graphic CV. These shapes, colours and symbols can be used to perhaps create one complex shape or key design that represents me to an employer in the industry of Graphic Design.

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