Thursday, 15 March 2012

Team Minutes: 15th March 2012

Today the layout was drafted up. The draft was a 1:50 scale drawing of the floor structure and layout of the Exhibition area. The model cut outs of the tables, chairs, sofa’s and other furniture already present at the local, these were too scale, created by the measurements that I took the previous week on all of the furniture. By using this cut out we could arrange how the furniture could be placed on the floor and where it should be located to best suit the environment. We also had cut out of the boards, these were also cut out to a 1:50 scales and these could be moved into a location that we felt was most appropriate.
The facts that were taken into consideration when arranging the furniture were:

How would people view our exhibition?
Where would we guide people to walk to?
Where would the project be located, would it be in the darkest area to avoid too much light?
Where would our boards and work presentations be viewed by the public the most?
Can all our work been seen by everybody?
Does the location of the furniture comply with health and safety?
Where are the electrical power supplies?
Where is best to serve refreshments?
Will the layout look suitable?
Would the layout of the boards be suitable and blend in with our theme and graphic layouts?

All these facts were taken into consideration by all the group members and it was decided after several repositioning’s of all of the equipment that it should be laid out like the image below:

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